Information  Package for Foster Parent Applicants

O.U.R. Center is comprised of several dedicated professionals who have had satisfying careers in various domains of providing services to children, youth and adults.  O.U.R. Center has operated a Group Home in Collingwood for almost two years. On March 1, 2013 O.U.R. Center received its license to operate a Foster Placement agency. We have placed some children in Simcoe County and are now expanding our placements service to the Niagara Region and will continue to expand in other areas. 

Our Guiding Principle:

Each child and youth will be given every opportunity and support to be the person they can be, no matter how short or long their stay may be in our family of care network. Only the best of people giving their best effort is good enough.

What the per diem covers:

The per diem paid to foster parents is to cover the standard expenses of raising a child.  The following are included:


Health supplies

Spending money/allowance appropriate to age

Recreation & entertainment (does not include extraordinary Rec. costs)

Transportation *(see below)

Local travel

School related expenses

Personal care items

Clothing allowance $800.00 per year, (avg $66.66/ month supported by receipts)

The foster parent is responsible for all travel in their community, roughly a 40 km radius, and all travel that are outings for other family members. Travel for required appointments and meetings for the foster child outside the community are to be logged and the first 200 km per month is covered by the foster parent and additional kilometers to be reimbursed at the current rate paid by the CAS.

The main care provider (ideally partners as well) is required to attend a monthly Zoom training meeting The meeting will be approximately from 10:00 to 12:00 and consist of a question and answer session or a second training session.

Training will be provided by O.U.R. Center with topics that will include but is not limited to the following:

​Serious Occurrences


Plan of Care



Making the Difference

Anger management-parenting skills- behaviour management and analysis, Collaborative problem solving and the explosive child, ADHD, learning disabilities, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligences, Social skills training, special education, Conduct disorders, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, oppositional disorder, Autism spectrum disorders, Intellectual disabilities and developmental delays, FASD and brain injury,  Solution focussed part one and two, Cognitive behavioural therapy, multimodal therapy, Bullying.

Before a child is placed the following training must be completed:

Training in CPR/First Aid and Non-Violent Crisis Intervention

What are serious occurrences and how to handle them

Psychotropic Drugs

What do you do and don’t do if a child discloses information to you

Understand that there are no exceptions to the rule: ‘no medication can be given to a child without CAS approval’

Indigenous Training

PRIDE Training

Trauma Training

Steps in the process to being approved as a Foster Parent

Application received by O.U.R. Center and no limiting issues noted.

Initial visit to the applicant’s home to begin the process of getting to know each other and provide basic information for parents to think over re-contact after a week to determine continued interest.

Criminal Reference Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening reports required on all adults living in the home or frequenting it regularly including anyone identified as a backup care support person.

Submit to a Children’s Aid records search.

Provide References – 5 per couple or 3 for a single parent.

Copy of Driver’s License & Driver’s Abstract.

Proof of home and auto insurance.

Medical note indicating in good health for this role.

Interviews – each parent separately 60-90 minutes and the children as a group or separately if older.

Inspect the house for safety standards and suitability – use a checklist.

Arrange for training.

Prepare homestudy and send to CAS.

Arrange with CAS for a house tour.

Ready for appropriate placement.

All information about a prospective child is shared with the  foster parents to arrive at the right decision.

 Supports for the Foster Parent

  • $80.00 per day
  • One week paid vacation
  • 2 days respite care for every 30 days
  • Family Support Worker for 40 hours a month
  • Ongoing training
  • Case Manager assigned to you

Interested in becoming a Professional Foster Parent at O.U.R. CENTER, please contact [email protected]m

We respond to all contacts, and look forward to hearing from you!